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圣托马斯大学(佛罗里达)--Saint Thomas University (Florida)

浏览次数: 发表时间:2012-09-06

圣托马斯大学(佛罗里达)--Saint Thomas University (Florida)



美国圣托马斯大学(St. Thomas University: www.stu.edu )建校于1961年,原名为比斯凯恩学院,后于1984年正式获得大学身份,为美国南

方大学联盟(Southern Association of Colleges and Schools)的成员之一。本校为天主教会学校,于1988获得迈阿密大主教管区的赞助,

同时也是佛罗里达州唯一受天主教大主教管区资助的一所综合性大学。本校位于美国佛罗里达州第二大城市迈阿密(Miami)。 迈阿密是国际





。在校学生3897名,其中本科生为2207人,占56%,硕士及博士研究生为1690人,占44%。 留学生占学生总数的6%,留学生占学生总数的6%,其


圣托马斯大学法学院在多样性方面全美排名第一。 可以在攻读婚姻和家庭治疗、体育管理硕士、MBA-会计和国际商务方向同时获得法律学位。


此外,圣托马斯大学是最早开设体育管理专业的大学之一,目前该专业全美排名前三位,吸引了众多体育爱好者前来学习。 由于体育管理专业


圣托马斯大学拥有很强大的教师队伍,本科生每班平均21人,研究生每班平均18人。 图书馆藏书44万册,1800多个座位,为学生提供了优越的

学习空间。 该大学欢迎来自各国的学生,并为他们的学习和生活提供了包括健康、学习支持、指导咨询、职业规划和经济资助等多项服务。


  St. Thomas University was founded in 1961 as Biscayne College by the order of the Augustinian Friars. The college was

accepted as a member of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and first accredited by the Commission on Colleges

in 1968. Through continued growth and development, Biscayne College earned university status in 1984 after the addition of 10

Master degree programs and the opening of the School of Law. The University came under the sponsorship of the Archdiocese of

Miami in 1988, conferring upon St. Thomas the distinction of being the only Catholic Archdiocesan sponsored university in the

State of Florida.
  When University status was attained, the name of the institution was changed to St. Thomas University to reflect its

Cuban heritage. The University traces its roots to the Universidad de Santo Tomas de Villanueva, founded in 1946 in Havana,

Cuba, by American Augustinians with assistance from European Augustinians. When the Castro government expelled the

Augustinians from Cuba in 1961, several of the American Augustinians came to Miamiwhere they founded Biscayne College. Given

their experience in Cuba, the University’s founders, and specifically its first president, who was vice rector of

Villanueva, were intimately familiar with teaching students from different backgrounds. That commitment to student diversity

continues strongly today.
  The St. Thomas University School of Law is one of only two accredited Catholic law schools south of Georgetown University

’s School of Law in Washington, DC. The School of Law at St. Thomas was fully accredited by the American Bar Association in

February 1995, and offers the Juris Doctor degree (J.D.).
  St. Thomas has given its graduates the confidence and skills necessary for success in a variety of fields. Among notable

graduates are: Alex Penelas, the former Mayor of Miami-Dade County, Andy Elisburg, Vice President of Operations for the Miami

Heat; Christina Fernandez,
  Chief Marshall for the Southern Region U.S. Marshals Service; and John Dooner, CEO of Interpublic Group of Companies.